Source code for kfp.components._python_op

# Copyright 2018 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__all__ = [

from ._yaml_utils import dump_yaml
from ._components import _create_task_factory_from_component_spec
from ._data_passing import serialize_value, get_deserializer_code_for_type_name, get_serializer_func_for_type_name, get_canonical_type_name_for_type
from ._naming import _make_name_unique_by_adding_index
from .structures import *
from . import _structures as structures
from kfp.components import type_annotation_utils

import inspect
import itertools
from pathlib import Path
import textwrap
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, TypeVar
import warnings

import docstring_parser

T = TypeVar('T')

# InputPath(list) or InputPath('JsonObject')

[docs]class InputPath: """When creating component from function, :class:`.InputPath` should be used as function parameter annotation to tell the system to pass the *data file path* to the function instead of passing the actual data.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type
[docs]class InputTextFile: """When creating component from function, :class:`.InputTextFile` should be used as function parameter annotation to tell the system to pass the *text data stream* object (`io.TextIOWrapper`) to the function instead of passing the actual data.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type
[docs]class InputBinaryFile: """When creating component from function, :class:`.InputBinaryFile` should be used as function parameter annotation to tell the system to pass the. *binary data stream* object (`io.BytesIO`) to the function instead of passing the actual data. """ def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type
[docs]class InputArtifact: """InputArtifact function parameter annotation. When creating a component from a Python function, indicates to the system that function parameter with this annotation should be passed as a RuntimeArtifact. """ def __init__(self, type: Optional[str] = None): self.type = type
[docs]class OutputPath: """When creating component from function, :class:`.OutputPath` should be used as function parameter annotation to tell the system that the function wants to output data by writing it into a file with the given path instead of returning the data from the function.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type
[docs]class OutputTextFile: """When creating component from function, :class:`.OutputTextFile` should be used as function parameter annotation to tell the system that the function wants to output data by writing it into a given text file stream (`io.TextIOWrapper`) instead of returning the data from the function.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type
[docs]class OutputBinaryFile: """When creating component from function, :class:`.OutputBinaryFile` should be used as function parameter annotation to tell the system that the function wants to output data by writing it into a given binary file stream (:code:`io.BytesIO`) instead of returning the data from the function.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type
[docs]class OutputArtifact: """OutputArtifact function parameter annotation. When creating component from function. OutputArtifact indicates that the associated input parameter should be treated as an MLMD artifact, whose underlying content, together with metadata will be updated by this component """ def __init__(self, type: Optional[str] = None): self.type = type
def _make_parent_dirs_and_return_path(file_path: str): import os os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) return file_path def _parent_dirs_maker_that_returns_open_file(mode: str, encoding: str = None): def make_parent_dirs_and_return_path(file_path: str): import os os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) return open(file_path, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) return make_parent_dirs_and_return_path default_base_image_or_builder = 'python:3.7' def _python_function_name_to_component_name(name): import re name_with_spaces = re.sub(' +', ' ', name.replace('_', ' ')).strip(' ') return name_with_spaces[0].upper() + name_with_spaces[1:] def _capture_function_code_using_cloudpickle( func, modules_to_capture: List[str] = None) -> str: import base64 import sys import cloudpickle import pickle if modules_to_capture is None: modules_to_capture = [func.__module__] # Hack to force cloudpickle to capture the whole function instead of just referencing the code file. See old_modules = {} old_sig = getattr(func, '__signature__', None) try: # Try is needed to restore the state if something goes wrong for module_name in modules_to_capture: if module_name in sys.modules: old_modules[module_name] = sys.modules.pop(module_name) # Hack to prevent cloudpickle from trying to pickle generic types that might be present in the signature. See # Currently the __signature__ is only set by Airflow components as a means to spoof/pass the function signature to _func_to_component_spec if hasattr(func, '__signature__'): del func.__signature__ func_pickle = base64.b64encode( cloudpickle.dumps(func, pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)) finally: sys.modules.update(old_modules) if old_sig: func.__signature__ = old_sig function_loading_code = '''\ import sys try: import cloudpickle as _cloudpickle except ImportError: import subprocess try: print("cloudpickle is not installed. Installing it globally", file=sys.stderr)[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "cloudpickle==1.1.1", "--quiet"], env={"PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK": "1"}, check=True) print("Installed cloudpickle globally", file=sys.stderr) except: print("Failed to install cloudpickle globally. Installing for the current user.", file=sys.stderr)[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "cloudpickle==1.1.1", "--user", "--quiet"], env={"PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK": "1"}, check=True) print("Installed cloudpickle for the current user", file=sys.stderr) # Enable loading from user-installed package directory. Python does not add it to sys.path if it was empty at start. Running pip does not refresh `sys.path`. import site sys.path.append(site.getusersitepackages()) import cloudpickle as _cloudpickle print("cloudpickle loaded successfully after installing.", file=sys.stderr) ''' + ''' pickler_python_version = {pickler_python_version} current_python_version = tuple(sys.version_info) if ( current_python_version[0] != pickler_python_version[0] or current_python_version[1] < pickler_python_version[1] or current_python_version[0] == 3 and ((pickler_python_version[1] < 6) != (current_python_version[1] < 6)) ): raise RuntimeError("Incompatible python versions: " + str(current_python_version) + " instead of " + str(pickler_python_version)) if current_python_version != pickler_python_version: print("Warning!: Different python versions. The code may crash! Current environment python version: " + str(current_python_version) + ". Component code python version: " + str(pickler_python_version), file=sys.stderr) import base64 import pickle {func_name} = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode({func_pickle})) '''.format( func_name=func.__name__, func_pickle=repr(func_pickle), pickler_python_version=repr(tuple(sys.version_info)), ) return function_loading_code def strip_type_hints(source_code: str) -> str: try: return _strip_type_hints_using_lib2to3(source_code) except Exception as ex: print('Error when stripping type annotations: ' + str(ex)) try: return _strip_type_hints_using_strip_hints(source_code) except Exception as ex: print('Error when stripping type annotations: ' + str(ex)) return source_code def _strip_type_hints_using_strip_hints(source_code: str) -> str: from strip_hints import strip_string_to_string # Workaround for , # I could not repro it though if source_code[-1] != '\n': source_code += '\n' return strip_string_to_string(source_code, to_empty=True) def _strip_type_hints_using_lib2to3(source_code: str) -> str: """Strips type annotations from the function definitions in the provided source code.""" # Using the standard lib2to3 library to strip type annotations. # Switch to another library like strip-hints if issues are found. from lib2to3 import fixer_base, refactor, fixer_util class StripAnnotations(fixer_base.BaseFix): PATTERN = r''' typed_func_parameter=tname | typed_func_return_value=funcdef< any+ '->' any+ > ''' def transform(self, node, results): if 'typed_func_parameter' in results: # Delete the annotation part of the function parameter declaration del node.children[1:] elif 'typed_func_return_value' in results: # Delete the return annotation part of the function declaration del node.children[-4:-2] return node class Refactor(refactor.RefactoringTool): def __init__(self, fixers): self._fixers = [cls(None, None) for cls in fixers] super().__init__(None, {'print_function': True}) def get_fixers(self): return self._fixers, [] stripped_code = str( Refactor([StripAnnotations]).refactor_string(source_code, '')) return stripped_code def _get_function_source_definition(func: Callable) -> str: func_code = inspect.getsource(func) # Function might be defined in some indented scope (e.g. in another # function). We need to handle this and properly dedent the function source # code func_code = textwrap.dedent(func_code) func_code_lines = func_code.split('\n') # Removing possible decorators (can be multiline) until the function # definition is found func_code_lines = itertools.dropwhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('def'), func_code_lines) if not func_code_lines: raise ValueError( 'Failed to dedent and clean up the source of function "{}". ' 'It is probably not properly indented.'.format(func.__name__)) return '\n'.join(func_code_lines) def _capture_function_code_using_source_copy(func: Callable) -> str: func_code = _get_function_source_definition(func) # Stripping type annotations to prevent import errors. # The most common cases are InputPath/OutputPath and typing.NamedTuple annotations return strip_type_hints(func_code) def _extract_component_interface(func: Callable) -> ComponentSpec: single_output_name_const = 'Output' signature = inspect.signature(func) parameters = list(signature.parameters.values()) parsed_docstring = docstring_parser.parse(inspect.getdoc(func)) doc_dict = {p.arg_name: p.description for p in parsed_docstring.params} inputs = [] outputs = [] def annotation_to_type_struct(annotation): if not annotation or annotation == inspect.Parameter.empty: return None if hasattr(annotation, 'to_dict'): annotation = annotation.to_dict() if isinstance(annotation, dict): return annotation if isinstance(annotation, type): type_struct = get_canonical_type_name_for_type(annotation) if type_struct: return type_struct type_name = str(annotation.__name__) elif hasattr( annotation, '__forward_arg__' ): # Handling typing.ForwardRef('Type_name') (the name was _ForwardRef in python 3.5-3.6) type_name = str(annotation.__forward_arg__) else: type_name = str(annotation) # It's also possible to get the converter by type name type_struct = get_canonical_type_name_for_type(type_name) if type_struct: return type_struct return type_name input_names = set() output_names = set() for parameter in parameters: parameter_type = type_annotation_utils.maybe_strip_optional_from_annotation( parameter.annotation) passing_style = None io_name = if isinstance( parameter_type, (InputArtifact, InputPath, InputTextFile, InputBinaryFile, OutputArtifact, OutputPath, OutputTextFile, OutputBinaryFile)): # Removing the "_path" and "_file" suffixes from the input/output names as the argument passed to the component needs to be the data itself, not local file path. # Problem: When accepting file inputs (outputs), the function inside the component receives file paths (or file streams), so it's natural to call the function parameter "something_file_path" (e.g. model_file_path or number_file_path). # But from the outside perspective, there are no files or paths - the actual data objects (or references to them) are passed in. # It looks very strange when argument passing code looks like this: `component(number_file_path=42)`. This looks like an error since 42 is not a path. It's not even a string. # It's much more natural to strip the names of file inputs and outputs of "_file" or "_path" suffixes. Then the argument passing code will look natural: "component(number=42)". if isinstance( parameter_type, (InputPath, OutputPath)) and io_name.endswith('_path'): io_name = io_name[0:-len('_path')] if io_name.endswith('_file'): io_name = io_name[0:-len('_file')] passing_style = type(parameter_type) parameter_type = parameter_type.type if parameter.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty and not ( passing_style == InputPath and parameter.default is None): raise ValueError( 'Path inputs only support default values of None. Default values for outputs are not supported.' ) type_struct = annotation_to_type_struct(parameter_type) if passing_style in [ OutputArtifact, OutputPath, OutputTextFile, OutputBinaryFile ]: io_name = _make_name_unique_by_adding_index(io_name, output_names, '_') output_names.add(io_name) output_spec = OutputSpec( name=io_name, type=type_struct, description=doc_dict.get( output_spec._passing_style = passing_style output_spec._parameter_name = outputs.append(output_spec) else: io_name = _make_name_unique_by_adding_index(io_name, input_names, '_') input_names.add(io_name) input_spec = InputSpec( name=io_name, type=type_struct, description=doc_dict.get( if parameter.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: input_spec.optional = True if parameter.default is not None: outer_type_name = list(type_struct.keys())[0] if isinstance( type_struct, dict) else type_struct try: input_spec.default = serialize_value( parameter.default, outer_type_name) except Exception as ex: warnings.warn( 'Could not serialize the default value of the parameter "{}". {}' .format(, ex)) input_spec._passing_style = passing_style input_spec._parameter_name = inputs.append(input_spec) #Analyzing the return type annotations. return_ann = signature.return_annotation if hasattr(return_ann, '_fields'): #NamedTuple # Getting field type annotations. # __annotations__ does not exist in python 3.5 and earlier # _field_types does not exist in python 3.9 and later field_annotations = getattr(return_ann, '__annotations__', None) or getattr( return_ann, '_field_types', None) for field_name in return_ann._fields: type_struct = None if field_annotations: type_struct = annotation_to_type_struct( field_annotations.get(field_name, None)) output_name = _make_name_unique_by_adding_index( field_name, output_names, '_') output_names.add(output_name) output_spec = OutputSpec( name=output_name, type=type_struct, ) output_spec._passing_style = None output_spec._return_tuple_field_name = field_name outputs.append(output_spec) # Deprecated dict-based way of declaring multiple outputs. Was only used by the @component decorator elif isinstance(return_ann, dict): warnings.warn( "The ability to specify multiple outputs using the dict syntax has been deprecated." "It will be removed soon after release 0.1.32." "Please use typing.NamedTuple to declare multiple outputs.") for output_name, output_type_annotation in return_ann.items(): output_type_struct = annotation_to_type_struct( output_type_annotation) output_spec = OutputSpec( name=output_name, type=output_type_struct, ) outputs.append(output_spec) elif signature.return_annotation is not None and signature.return_annotation != inspect.Parameter.empty: output_name = _make_name_unique_by_adding_index( single_output_name_const, output_names, '_' ) # Fixes exotic, but possible collision: `def func(output_path: OutputPath()) -> str: ...` output_names.add(output_name) type_struct = annotation_to_type_struct(signature.return_annotation) output_spec = OutputSpec( name=output_name, type=type_struct, ) output_spec._passing_style = None outputs.append(output_spec) # Component name and description are derived from the function's name and docstring. # The name can be overridden by setting setting func.__name__ attribute (of the legacy func._component_human_name attribute). # The description can be overridden by setting the func.__doc__ attribute (or the legacy func._component_description attribute). component_name = getattr(func, '_component_human_name', None) or _python_function_name_to_component_name( func.__name__) description = getattr(func, '_component_description', None) or parsed_docstring.short_description if description: description = description.strip() component_spec = ComponentSpec( name=component_name, description=description, inputs=inputs if inputs else None, outputs=outputs if outputs else None, ) return component_spec def _func_to_component_spec(func, extra_code='', base_image: str = None, packages_to_install: List[str] = None, modules_to_capture: List[str] = None, use_code_pickling=False) -> ComponentSpec: """Takes a self-contained python function and converts it to component. Args: func: Required. The function to be converted base_image: Optional. Docker image to be used as a base image for the python component. Must have python 3.5+ installed. Default is python:3.7 Note: The image can also be specified by decorating the function with the @python_component decorator. If different base images are explicitly specified in both places, an error is raised. extra_code: Optional. Python source code that gets placed before the function code. Can be used as workaround to define types used in function signature. packages_to_install: Optional. List of [versioned] python packages to pip install before executing the user function. modules_to_capture: Optional. List of module names that will be captured (instead of just referencing) during the dependency scan. By default the :code:`func.__module__` is captured. use_code_pickling: Specifies whether the function code should be captured using pickling as opposed to source code manipulation. Pickling has better support for capturing dependencies, but is sensitive to version mismatch between python in component creation environment and runtime image. Returns: A :py:class:`kfp.components.structures.ComponentSpec` instance. """ decorator_base_image = getattr(func, '_component_base_image', None) if decorator_base_image is not None: if base_image is not None and decorator_base_image != base_image: raise ValueError( 'base_image ({}) conflicts with the decorator-specified base image metadata ({})' .format(base_image, decorator_base_image)) else: base_image = decorator_base_image else: if base_image is None: base_image = default_base_image_or_builder if isinstance(base_image, Callable): base_image = base_image() packages_to_install = packages_to_install or [] component_spec = _extract_component_interface(func) component_inputs = component_spec.inputs or [] component_outputs = component_spec.outputs or [] arguments = [] arguments.extend( InputValuePlaceholder( for input in component_inputs) arguments.extend( OutputPathPlaceholder( for output in component_outputs) if use_code_pickling: func_code = _capture_function_code_using_cloudpickle( func, modules_to_capture) # pip startup is quite slow. TODO: Remove the special cloudpickle installation code in favor of the the following line once a way to speed up pip startup is discovered. #packages_to_install.append('cloudpickle==1.1.1') else: func_code = _capture_function_code_using_source_copy(func) definitions = set() def get_deserializer_and_register_definitions(type_name): deserializer_code = get_deserializer_code_for_type_name(type_name) if deserializer_code: (deserializer_code_str, definition_str) = deserializer_code if definition_str: definitions.add(definition_str) return deserializer_code_str return 'str' pre_func_definitions = set() def get_argparse_type_for_input_file(passing_style): # Bypass InputArtifact and OutputArtifact. if passing_style in (None, InputArtifact, OutputArtifact): return None if passing_style is InputPath: return 'str' elif passing_style is InputTextFile: return "argparse.FileType('rt')" elif passing_style is InputBinaryFile: return "argparse.FileType('rb')" # For Output* we cannot use the build-in argparse.FileType objects since they do not create parent directories. elif passing_style is OutputPath: # ~= return 'str' pre_func_definitions.add( inspect.getsource(_make_parent_dirs_and_return_path)) return _make_parent_dirs_and_return_path.__name__ elif passing_style is OutputTextFile: # ~= return "argparse.FileType('wt')" pre_func_definitions.add( inspect.getsource(_parent_dirs_maker_that_returns_open_file)) return _parent_dirs_maker_that_returns_open_file.__name__ + "('wt')" elif passing_style is OutputBinaryFile: # ~= return "argparse.FileType('wb')" pre_func_definitions.add( inspect.getsource(_parent_dirs_maker_that_returns_open_file)) return _parent_dirs_maker_that_returns_open_file.__name__ + "('wb')" raise NotImplementedError('Unexpected data passing style: "{}".'.format( str(passing_style))) def get_serializer_and_register_definitions(type_name) -> str: serializer_func = get_serializer_func_for_type_name(type_name) if serializer_func: # If serializer is not part of the standard python library, then include its code in the generated program if hasattr(serializer_func, '__module__') and not _module_is_builtin_or_standard( serializer_func.__module__): import inspect serializer_code_str = inspect.getsource(serializer_func) definitions.add(serializer_code_str) return serializer_func.__name__ return 'str' arg_parse_code_lines = [ 'import argparse', '_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog={prog_repr}, description={description_repr})' .format( prog_repr=repr( or ''), description_repr=repr(component_spec.description or ''), ), ] outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple = [ output for output in component_outputs if output._passing_style is None ] file_outputs_passed_using_func_parameters = [ output for output in component_outputs if output._passing_style is not None ] arguments = [] for input in component_inputs + file_outputs_passed_using_func_parameters: param_flag = "--" +"_", "-") is_required = isinstance(input, OutputSpec) or not input.optional line = '_parser.add_argument("{param_flag}", dest="{param_var}", type={param_type}, required={is_required}, default=argparse.SUPPRESS)'.format( param_flag=param_flag, param_var=input. _parameter_name, # Not, since the inputs could have been renamed param_type=get_argparse_type_for_input_file(input._passing_style) or get_deserializer_and_register_definitions(input.type), is_required=str(is_required), ) arg_parse_code_lines.append(line) if input._passing_style in [ InputPath, InputTextFile, InputBinaryFile, InputArtifact ]: arguments_for_input = [param_flag, InputPathPlaceholder(] elif input._passing_style in [ OutputPath, OutputTextFile, OutputBinaryFile, OutputArtifact ]: arguments_for_input = [ param_flag, OutputPathPlaceholder( ] else: arguments_for_input = [ param_flag, InputValuePlaceholder( ] if is_required: arguments.extend(arguments_for_input) else: arguments.append( IfPlaceholder( IfPlaceholderStructure( condition=IsPresentPlaceholder(, then_value=arguments_for_input, ))) if outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple: param_flag = "----output-paths" output_param_var = "_output_paths" line = '_parser.add_argument("{param_flag}", dest="{param_var}", type=str, nargs={nargs})'.format( param_flag=param_flag, param_var=output_param_var, nargs=len(outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple), ) arg_parse_code_lines.append(line) arguments.append(param_flag) arguments.extend( OutputPathPlaceholder( for output in outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple) output_serialization_expression_strings = [] for output in outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple: serializer_call_str = get_serializer_and_register_definitions( output.type) output_serialization_expression_strings.append(serializer_call_str) pre_func_code = '\n'.join(list(pre_func_definitions)) arg_parse_code_lines = sorted(list(definitions)) + arg_parse_code_lines arg_parse_code_lines.append('_parsed_args = vars(_parser.parse_args())',) if outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple: arg_parse_code_lines.append( '_output_files = _parsed_args.pop("_output_paths", [])',) # Putting singular return values in a list to be "zipped" with the serializers and output paths outputs_to_list_code = '' return_ann = inspect.signature(func).return_annotation if ( # The return type is singular, not sequence return_ann is not None and return_ann != inspect.Parameter.empty and not isinstance(return_ann, dict) and not hasattr(return_ann, '_fields') # namedtuple ): outputs_to_list_code = '_outputs = [_outputs]' output_serialization_code = ''.join( ' {},\n'.format(s) for s in output_serialization_expression_strings) full_output_handling_code = ''' {outputs_to_list_code} _output_serializers = [ {output_serialization_code} ] import os for idx, output_file in enumerate(_output_files): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file)) except OSError: pass with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(_output_serializers[idx](_outputs[idx])) '''.format( output_serialization_code=output_serialization_code, outputs_to_list_code=outputs_to_list_code, ) full_source = \ '''\ {pre_func_code} {extra_code} {func_code} {arg_parse_code} _outputs = {func_name}(**_parsed_args) '''.format( func_name=func.__name__, func_code=func_code, pre_func_code=pre_func_code, extra_code=extra_code, arg_parse_code='\n'.join(arg_parse_code_lines), ) if outputs_passed_through_func_return_tuple: full_source += full_output_handling_code #Removing consecutive blank lines import re full_source = re.sub('\n\n\n+', '\n\n', full_source).strip('\n') + '\n' package_preinstallation_command = [] if packages_to_install: package_install_command_line = 'PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=1 python3 -m pip install --quiet --no-warn-script-location {}'.format( ' '.join([repr(str(package)) for package in packages_to_install])) package_preinstallation_command = [ 'sh', '-c', '({pip_install} || {pip_install} --user) && "$0" "$@"'.format( pip_install=package_install_command_line) ] component_spec.implementation = ContainerImplementation( container=ContainerSpec( image=base_image, command=package_preinstallation_command + [ 'sh', '-ec', # Writing the program code to a file. # This is needed for Python to show stack traces and for `inspect.getsource` to work (used by PyTorch JIT and this module for example). textwrap.dedent('''\ program_path=$(mktemp) printf "%s" "$0" > "$program_path" python3 -u "$program_path" "$@" '''), full_source, ], args=arguments, )) return component_spec def _func_to_component_dict(func, extra_code='', base_image: str = None, packages_to_install: List[str] = None, modules_to_capture: List[str] = None, use_code_pickling=False): return _func_to_component_spec( func=func, extra_code=extra_code, base_image=base_image, packages_to_install=packages_to_install, modules_to_capture=modules_to_capture, use_code_pickling=use_code_pickling, ).to_dict()
[docs]def func_to_component_text(func, extra_code='', base_image: str = None, packages_to_install: List[str] = None, modules_to_capture: List[str] = None, use_code_pickling=False): '''Converts a Python function to a component definition and returns its textual representation. Function docstring is used as component description. Argument and return annotations are used as component input/output types. To declare a function with multiple return values, use the NamedTuple return annotation syntax:: from typing import NamedTuple def add_multiply_two_numbers(a: float, b: float) -> NamedTuple('DummyName', [('sum', float), ('product', float)]): """Returns sum and product of two arguments""" return (a + b, a * b) Args: func: The python function to convert base_image: Optional. Specify a custom Docker container image to use in the component. For lightweight components, the image needs to have python 3.5+. Default is python:3.7 extra_code: Optional. Extra code to add before the function code. Can be used as workaround to define types used in function signature. packages_to_install: Optional. List of [versioned] python packages to pip install before executing the user function. modules_to_capture: Optional. List of module names that will be captured (instead of just referencing) during the dependency scan. By default the :code:`func.__module__` is captured. The actual algorithm: Starting with the initial function, start traversing dependencies. If the dependency.__module__ is in the modules_to_capture list then it's captured and it's dependencies are traversed. Otherwise the dependency is only referenced instead of capturing and its dependencies are not traversed. use_code_pickling: Specifies whether the function code should be captured using pickling as opposed to source code manipulation. Pickling has better support for capturing dependencies, but is sensitive to version mismatch between python in component creation environment and runtime image. Returns: Textual representation of a component definition ''' component_dict = _func_to_component_dict( func=func, extra_code=extra_code, base_image=base_image, packages_to_install=packages_to_install, modules_to_capture=modules_to_capture, use_code_pickling=use_code_pickling, ) return dump_yaml(component_dict)
def func_to_component_file(func, output_component_file, base_image: str = None, extra_code='', packages_to_install: List[str] = None, modules_to_capture: List[str] = None, use_code_pickling=False) -> None: '''Converts a Python function to a component definition and writes it to a file. Function docstring is used as component description. Argument and return annotations are used as component input/output types. To declare a function with multiple return values, use the NamedTuple return annotation syntax:: from typing import NamedTuple def add_multiply_two_numbers(a: float, b: float) -> NamedTuple('DummyName', [('sum', float), ('product', float)]): """Returns sum and product of two arguments""" return (a + b, a * b) Args: func: The python function to convert output_component_file: Write a component definition to a local file. Can be used for sharing. base_image: Optional. Specify a custom Docker container image to use in the component. For lightweight components, the image needs to have python 3.5+. Default is tensorflow/tensorflow:1.13.2-py3 extra_code: Optional. Extra code to add before the function code. Can be used as workaround to define types used in function signature. packages_to_install: Optional. List of [versioned] python packages to pip install before executing the user function. modules_to_capture: Optional. List of module names that will be captured (instead of just referencing) during the dependency scan. By default the :code:`func.__module__` is captured. The actual algorithm: Starting with the initial function, start traversing dependencies. If the :code:`dependency.__module__` is in the :code:`modules_to_capture` list then it's captured and it's dependencies are traversed. Otherwise the dependency is only referenced instead of capturing and its dependencies are not traversed. use_code_pickling: Specifies whether the function code should be captured using pickling as opposed to source code manipulation. Pickling has better support for capturing dependencies, but is sensitive to version mismatch between python in component creation environment and runtime image. ''' component_yaml = func_to_component_text( func=func, extra_code=extra_code, base_image=base_image, packages_to_install=packages_to_install, modules_to_capture=modules_to_capture, use_code_pickling=use_code_pickling, ) Path(output_component_file).write_text(component_yaml)
[docs]def func_to_container_op( func: Callable, output_component_file: Optional[str] = None, base_image: Optional[str] = None, extra_code: Optional[str] = '', packages_to_install: List[str] = None, modules_to_capture: List[str] = None, use_code_pickling: bool = False, annotations: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): '''Converts a Python function to a component and returns a task (:class:`kfp.dsl.ContainerOp`) factory. Function docstring is used as component description. Argument and return annotations are used as component input/output types. To declare a function with multiple return values, use the :code:`NamedTuple` return annotation syntax:: from typing import NamedTuple def add_multiply_two_numbers(a: float, b: float) -> NamedTuple('DummyName', [('sum', float), ('product', float)]): """Returns sum and product of two arguments""" return (a + b, a * b) Args: func: The python function to convert base_image: Optional. Specify a custom Docker container image to use in the component. For lightweight components, the image needs to have python 3.5+. Default is tensorflow/tensorflow:1.13.2-py3 output_component_file: Optional. Write a component definition to a local file. Can be used for sharing. extra_code: Optional. Extra code to add before the function code. Can be used as workaround to define types used in function signature. packages_to_install: Optional. List of [versioned] python packages to pip install before executing the user function. modules_to_capture: Optional. List of module names that will be captured (instead of just referencing) during the dependency scan. By default the :code:`func.__module__` is captured. The actual algorithm: Starting with the initial function, start traversing dependencies. If the :code:`dependency.__module__` is in the :code:`modules_to_capture` list then it's captured and it's dependencies are traversed. Otherwise the dependency is only referenced instead of capturing and its dependencies are not traversed. use_code_pickling: Specifies whether the function code should be captured using pickling as opposed to source code manipulation. Pickling has better support for capturing dependencies, but is sensitive to version mismatch between python in component creation environment and runtime image. annotations: Optional. Allows adding arbitrary key-value data to the component specification. Returns: A factory function with a strongly-typed signature taken from the python function. Once called with the required arguments, the factory constructs a pipeline task instance (:class:`kfp.dsl.ContainerOp`) that can run the original function in a container. ''' component_spec = _func_to_component_spec( func=func, extra_code=extra_code, base_image=base_image, packages_to_install=packages_to_install, modules_to_capture=modules_to_capture, use_code_pickling=use_code_pickling, ) if annotations: component_spec.metadata = structures.MetadataSpec( annotations=annotations,) output_component_file = output_component_file or getattr( func, '_component_target_component_file', None) if output_component_file: #TODO: assert ComponentSpec.from_dict(load_yaml(output_component_file)) == component_spec return _create_task_factory_from_component_spec(component_spec)
[docs]def create_component_from_func_v2(func: Callable, base_image: Optional[str] = None, packages_to_install: List[str] = None, output_component_file: Optional[str] = None, install_kfp_package: bool = True, kfp_package_path: Optional[str] = None): """Converts a Python function to a v2 lightweight component. A lightweight component is a self-contained Python function that includes all necessary imports and dependencies. Args: func: The python function to create a component from. The function should have type annotations for all its arguments, indicating how it is intended to be used (e.g. as an input/output Artifact object, a plain parameter, or a path to a file). base_image: The image to use when executing |func|. It should contain a default Python interpreter that is compatible with KFP. packages_to_install: A list of optional packages to install before executing |func|. install_kfp_package: Specifies if we should add a KFP Python package to |packages_to_install|. Lightweight Python functions always require an installation of KFP in |base_image| to work. If you specify a |base_image| that already contains KFP, you can set this to False. kfp_package_path: Specifies the location from which to install KFP. By default, this will try to install from PyPi using the same version as that used when this component was created. KFP developers can choose to override this to point to a Github pull request or other pip-compatible location when testing changes to lightweight Python functions. Returns: A component task factory that can be used in pipeline definitions. """ warnings.warn( 'create_component_from_func_v2() has been deprecated and will be' ' removed in KFP v1.9. Please use' ' kfp.v2.components.create_component_from_func() instead.', category=FutureWarning, ) from kfp.v2.components import component_factory return component_factory.create_component_from_func( func=func, base_image=base_image, packages_to_install=packages_to_install, install_kfp_package=install_kfp_package, kfp_package_path=kfp_package_path)
[docs]def create_component_from_func( func: Callable, output_component_file: Optional[str] = None, base_image: Optional[str] = None, packages_to_install: List[str] = None, annotations: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): '''Converts a Python function to a component and returns a task factory (a function that accepts arguments and returns a task object). Args: func: The python function to convert base_image: Optional. Specify a custom Docker container image to use in the component. For lightweight components, the image needs to have python 3.5+. Default is the python image corresponding to the current python environment. output_component_file: Optional. Write a component definition to a local file. The produced component file can be loaded back by calling :code:`load_component_from_file` or :code:`load_component_from_uri`. packages_to_install: Optional. List of [versioned] python packages to pip install before executing the user function. annotations: Optional. Allows adding arbitrary key-value data to the component specification. Returns: A factory function with a strongly-typed signature taken from the python function. Once called with the required arguments, the factory constructs a task instance that can run the original function in a container. Examples: The function name and docstring are used as component name and description. Argument and return annotations are used as component input/output types:: def add(a: float, b: float) -> float: """Returns sum of two arguments""" return a + b # add_op is a task factory function that creates a task object when given arguments add_op = create_component_from_func( func=add, base_image='python:3.7', # Optional output_component_file='add.component.yaml', # Optional packages_to_install=['pandas==0.24'], # Optional ) # The component spec can be accessed through the .component_spec attribute:'add.component.yaml') # The component function can be called with arguments to create a task: add_task = add_op(1, 3) # The resulting task has output references, corresponding to the component outputs. # When the function only has a single anonymous return value, the output name is "Output": sum_output_ref = add_task.outputs['Output'] # These task output references can be passed to other component functions, constructing a computation graph: task2 = add_op(sum_output_ref, 5) :code:`create_component_from_func` function can also be used as decorator:: @create_component_from_func def add_op(a: float, b: float) -> float: """Returns sum of two arguments""" return a + b To declare a function with multiple return values, use the :code:`NamedTuple` return annotation syntax:: from typing import NamedTuple def add_multiply_two_numbers(a: float, b: float) -> NamedTuple('Outputs', [('sum', float), ('product', float)]): """Returns sum and product of two arguments""" return (a + b, a * b) add_multiply_op = create_component_from_func(add_multiply_two_numbers) # The component function can be called with arguments to create a task: add_multiply_task = add_multiply_op(1, 3) # The resulting task has output references, corresponding to the component outputs: sum_output_ref = add_multiply_task.outputs['sum'] # These task output references can be passed to other component functions, constructing a computation graph: task2 = add_multiply_op(sum_output_ref, 5) Bigger data should be read from files and written to files. Use the :py:class:`kfp.components.InputPath` parameter annotation to tell the system that the function wants to consume the corresponding input data as a file. The system will download the data, write it to a local file and then pass the **path** of that file to the function. Use the :py:class:`kfp.components.OutputPath` parameter annotation to tell the system that the function wants to produce the corresponding output data as a file. The system will prepare and pass the **path** of a file where the function should write the output data. After the function exits, the system will upload the data to the storage system so that it can be passed to downstream components. You can specify the type of the consumed/produced data by specifying the type argument to :py:class:`kfp.components.InputPath` and :py:class:`kfp.components.OutputPath`. The type can be a python type or an arbitrary type name string. :code:`OutputPath('CatBoostModel')` means that the function states that the data it has written to a file has type :code:`CatBoostModel`. :code:`InputPath('CatBoostModel')` means that the function states that it expect the data it reads from a file to have type 'CatBoostModel'. When the pipeline author connects inputs to outputs the system checks whether the types match. Every kind of data can be consumed as a file input. Conversely, bigger data should not be consumed by value as all value inputs pass through the command line. Example of a component function declaring file input and output:: def catboost_train_classifier( training_data_path: InputPath('CSV'), # Path to input data file of type "CSV" trained_model_path: OutputPath('CatBoostModel'), # Path to output data file of type "CatBoostModel" number_of_trees: int = 100, # Small output of type "Integer" ) -> NamedTuple('Outputs', [ ('Accuracy', float), # Small output of type "Float" ('Precision', float), # Small output of type "Float" ('JobUri', 'URI'), # Small output of type "URI" ]): """Trains CatBoost classification model""" ... return (accuracy, precision, recall) ''' component_spec = _func_to_component_spec( func=func, base_image=base_image, packages_to_install=packages_to_install, ) if annotations: component_spec.metadata = structures.MetadataSpec( annotations=annotations,) if output_component_file: return _create_task_factory_from_component_spec(component_spec)
def _module_is_builtin_or_standard(module_name: str) -> bool: import sys if module_name in sys.builtin_module_names: return True import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig import os std_lib_dir = sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=True) module_name_parts = module_name.split('.') expected_module_path = os.path.join(std_lib_dir, *module_name_parts) return os.path.exists(expected_module_path) or os.path.exists( expected_module_path + '.py')